The View From My Kitchen Window

The View From My Kitchen Window

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I'm baaaaack!

At least I hope so. I've been so bad about writing for several months.

I told myself I would write everyday last winter and have a surplus of topics to share during the spring and summer. After all, the winters in southwest Michigan keep me inside more than they should - and this past February set a record for days below freezing.

So why didn't I write?

In a word, distractions. First and foremost social media - and I don't even have that many Facebook friends! Secondly, email and online shopping - and I'm in the stage of life to get rid of stuff, not accumulate more! 

When I had spent an hour or more on my computer doing everything BUT writing, I just couldn't get enthused about sitting down to write a blog post. By then, my back hurt (another story) and I had stuff on my list to accomplish - cleaning, grocery shopping, exercising, reading, WMU Osher Life Long Learning Classes, helping my 89-year-old mother, practicing new praise team music, working at Hands of God, hanging out with friends, KIA Art Break. You get the picture - I'm enjoying retirement (BTW cleaning should be last on this list if you go by 'hours spent')!

Why do I think any of this will change?

I've switching up my routine. Instead of heading for the computer first thing to see all the new cat vids on Facebook, coffee cup in hand, I'm heading out for a short walk. It's better for my back anyway to do some slow movement first thing rather than just sitting (in a chair said to be chiropractor approved, but with no lumbar support at all). 

After my walk, I will write for a bit and sip some java - at least start a blog post - before I open email, Facebook, Twitter, Mlive, etc.  So here I am writing for the first time since March 28th... and before that it was September!

To be honest, there are other reasons I haven't written. 

First - I am having fun! When I tell people I'm retired, they say "Are you keeping busy?" Like being crazy, busy is the goal of life? So I've learned to say "Only as busy as I want to be." That usually causes a wistful sigh on their part as they try to imagine what that would be like.

The third reason is a more prideful one.  With the exception of my sisters who contribute to Girlfriends Breaking Bread, no one is reading my blog. So that makes me wonder - am I wasting my time?

As I pondered these two other BIG reasons, I realized it doesn't matter if nearly no one reads my blog. The main reason I'm writing it is for me. For my own creative outlet. To log my thoughts, so maybe one day in the future I'll look back and remember all the fun and meaningful things I did!

The bottom line is that it gives me some sense of purpose and accomplishment

If in the process, I give someone in the greater blog-o-sphere a chuckle, reason to pause and think or an idea of how to spend their retirement years - BONUS!

If you want to hear about my adventures, use the Follow by Email box to the right of the title of this post to register. 

Also, it would be fun to hear from you. Post a comment and let me know your thoughts - or let me know if there's a topic you'd like me to approach in a future post. 

Now - time to enjoy this beautiful spring day!


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